So, you want to work the Middy, right? Because it's the no. 1 style of the season. And when we predicted it would be a hit way back in January this year, it trended at the top of our most popular stories. There’s just one teeny, tiny catch. You fear that cutting or growing your hair to that in-between, shoulder length style will look less ‘on point’ and more just simply point-less.
But, here’s Round 2 in our Middy series, with a little added extra. Because shoulder-length hair is anything but ‘meh'; it’s the very best of both long and short worlds – if you get it right. To help you navigate the tricky waters when styling your medium-length, here are 5 failsafe steps to ensuring that you skip on by ‘frumpy’ – and get on with having Great Hair.
1. Avoid layers on shoulder-length hair
Something about adding layers to a Middy makes it look instantly dated – as if you're caught in haircut no man's land. Instead, opt for chunky ends that are all one length (we're thinking ruler-straight). It'll lend your tips a certain weight that keeps your overall look super fresh.2. Ask for the optimum length
We hate to sound all Goldilocks here, but too long, and your Middy will look tired; too short and it'll do weird flicky things as it hangs around your shoulders. It needs to be just right. Guide your stylist by asking that yours sits mid-way between your collarbone and the uppermost crease of your armpit.
3. Shoulder-length hair needs texture
To work a Middy, you need movement – but it needs to look totally effortless. Any hint of a flick under or out will make it seem contrived and twee. Instead, create the most subtle of waves and ripples by smoothing then scrunching two pumps of Almost Everything Cream into wet hair as you leave the shower – then let it air dry naturally.4. A centre parting is best
While we love a side parting when the style requires it, with a Middy, it can all start to feel too boyish. We like to keep things feminine and cool by sticking to a centre parting.5. Add an accessory
It's no exaggeration to say that hair accessories really are everywhere this season. Carrying fond memories of the late ‘90s/early ‘00s (Google Gwyneth Paltrow in The Royal Tenenbaums and you'll see just what we mean), a single slide worn on one side of your Middy will lift your overall look, without leaving you feeling like you've gone O.T.T. Ready to make a date for your Middy? We’ve got just the person for you right here.- Tags: TRENDING